主要研究视网膜细胞的分裂增殖、变性死亡和分化/重新编程,以及视网膜血管的形成机制。从分子水平探索常见眼底疾病(如视网膜肿瘤、视网膜变性和视网膜血管病变)的发病机制和防治策略。在Nature, Cancer Cell, Plos Biology, PNAS,Cancer Research, Oncogene, Cell Death and Differentiation等杂志发表多篇论文。 代表性论文: Chen D, Chen Y, Forrest D, Bremner R. E2f2 induces cone photoreceptor apoptosis independent of E2f1 and E2f3. Cell Death Differ. 2013 Jul; 20(7):931-40. Zencak D, Schouwey K*, Chen D*, Ekström P, Tanger E, Bremner R, van Lohuizen M, Arsenijevic Y. Retinal degeneration depends on Bmi1 function and reactivation of cell cycle proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 12; 110(7):E593-601.*Equal contribution Sangwan M, McCurdy SR, Livne-Bar I, Ahmad M, Wrana JL, Chen D*, Bremner R*. Established and new mouse models reveal E2f1 and Cdk2 dependency of retinoblastoma, and expose effective strategies to block tumor initiation. Oncogene. 2012 Nov 29; 31(48):5019-28. *Co-corresponding Author Chen D, Pacal M, Wenzel P, Knoeplfer PS, Leone G, and Bremner R. Division and apoptosis of E2f-deficient retinal progenitors. Nature. 2009, 462:925-929. Chen D, Opavsky R, Pacal M, Tanimoto N, Wenzel P, Seeliger MW, Leone G, and Bremner R. Rb-Mediated Neuronal Differentiation through Cell-Cycle-Independent Regulation of E2f3a. PLoS Biol. 2007 Jul 3; 5(7):e179. Chen D, Livne-Bar I, Vanderluit JL, Slack RS, Agochiya M, and Bremner R: Cell-specific effects of RB or RB/p107 loss on retinal development implicate an intrinsically death-resistant cell-of-origin in retinoblastoma. Cancer Cell. 2004 Jun; 5(6):539-551 Chen D, Pajovic S, Duckett A, Brown VD, Squire JA, and Gallie BL: Genomic amplification in retinoblastoma narrowed to 0.6 megabase on chromosome 6p containing a kinesin-like gene, RBKIN. Cancer Res. 2002 Feb 15; 62(4):967-71.